Dental Del Puerto


Rellenado 40%

+52 646 178 3176
Av. Teniente José Azueta 130, Recinto Portuario, 22801 Ensenada, B.C., México



There are several circumstances that may require a root canal that can be trauma, deep cavity, or a reaction to any dental treatment, any of these can irritate the nerve, pain can appear, swelling and bone loss will happen next.

The root canal (treatment of…) is a very conservative specialty that allows conserving the maximum dental units in your mouth, avoiding extractions that can bring esthetic and functional problems. It is very important to mention that most of your teeth can be saved by root canal treatment.

Dental Implants. are exciting options that has changed the lives of many people. In use for many years dental implants are effective, natural looking replacements for missing teeth. After a thorough evaluation, your dentist surgically prepares you jaw and makes you prosthetic (substitute teeth) Your attention to oral hygiene helps determine the success of your implant..