Hamer Sharp Lindavista


Rellenado 95%


+52 55 5119 0402
Av. Montevideo 241, Lindavista, 07300 Ciudad de México, CDMX, México
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Comments 9

  • P
    Paulina Martínez Falcón
    Escuela de idiomas, buen trato y además es centro de aplicación de TOEFL ITP e iBT
  • J
    Javier Arturo Aguilar Castillo
    Buen servicio aunque lo dejan mucho esperando, y a veces un poco impuntuales
  • A
    Alonso Peña Orea
    Excelente servicio
  • M
    Maira Mayola Benítez Carrillo
    Buenas instalaciones y excelentes profesores
  • P
    Patricia Barroso
    La mejor opción para prepararte para el examen TOEFL ITP o iBT. Tienen cursos de de idiomas en diferentes formatos y modalidades. Puede presentar tu examen de certificación ahí porque son Centro Autorizado TOEFL. Y, además, si necesitas que tus documentos se traduzcan a cualquier idioma, sólo ellos tienen los mejores precios y tiempos de entrega.
  • A
    antonio ornelas
    Escuela de ingles, con buenas opciones para estudiar.
  • M
    maria cuéllar
    Pros and cons of working for Hammer Sharp Pros: Its facilities are comfortable. We, the teachers, are given markers and erasers, and the receptionists are nice. Cons: *The hourly pay is extremely low($70 pesos per hour) * Yesica(the director) tells you that she is aware that seventy pesos per hour is really low, but that you will be given a full shift and promotions. *In my case, I was given one group from 7:30 to 9 p.m, Yesica told me to accept it, so I did, and that in about three weeks she would give me a full shift. However, when the three weeks had passed on, I asked her abut the job I was supposed to be given, and Yesica told me that, first, I had to pass a course which the academic coordination provides,and until then, I would be given a full shift. *Yesica also told me that she does not have any international certifications( I have two) and nor does the academic coordinator and to offer a national or international ELT course, the person have to be qualified and certified by an institution such as Cambridge University, for example. *What really upsets me is that Yesica told me that I had potential to be a teacher! WHAT! I am a twenty-two-year experienced Cambridge certified teacher of English! I have taken four teacher´s courses, two national and two international given by Cambridge University, International House and the IPN. *I was naive to believe in people, such as Yesica, who were extolling my ego just to exploit me
  • A
    Andy Lopez
    Very low rates for teachers
  • C
    Carlos Macías
    Good school