Tienda de manualidades y bellas artes

Rellenado 90%


+52 999 928 9239
x 57 y 59, Calle 61 486, Centro, 97000 Mérida, Yuc., México
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Comments 10

  • C
    Cheryl Ann Borne
    WARNING TOURIST SCAM be sure to see the Google reviews. You will be approached by a friendly person in the street offering you free advice about events and things to do. Then he will say that you have to go to this shop, it is closing soon, only open one day a week, etc. He will say the other shops offer fakes made by the Chinese, Lebanese, etc. and that this is the ONLY shop with authentic goods and the money goes back to the people in the villages. When you go there the prices are THROUGH THE ROOF!!! $4500.00 pesos for a table cloth is at least 10x the price that should be charged. AVISO TURISMO SCAM asegúrese de ver las revisiones de Google. Usted será abordado por una persona amable en la calle que le ofrece asesoramiento gratuito sobre eventos y cosas que hacer. Entonces él dirá que usted tiene que ir a esta tienda, está cerrando pronto, abre solamente un día a la semana, etc. Él dirá que las otras tiendas ofrecen falsificaciones hechas por los chinos, libaneses, etc. y que éste es el ÚNICO Tienda con mercancías auténticas y el dinero se remonta a la gente en las aldeas. Cuando vas allí los precios son a través del techo! $ 4500.00 pesos para un paño de la mesa es por lo menos 10x el precio que debe ser cargado.
  • V
    Victor V
    Compré unas guayaberas y estaban a precio accesible, sin embargo la ropa aquí si es más cara que en otros lados. Sería cuestión de comparar telas y calidad.
  • A
    Ana souto Alvarez
    Gran estafa!!atencion...todo al triple de su precio y ni siquiera son cooperativas reales. En cualquier pequeña tienda de la zona os venderán el mismo producto por su precio real. Que pena que esta gentuza cree esa imagen a los comerciantes de la ciudad. No os dejéis embaucar por sus mentiras encadenadas...
  • T
    Thomas B.
    Atrape touristes. Hamac en lin et non en Sisal comment annoncé. À fuir !
  • D
    Doris Beate
    SERIOUS TOURIST TRAP!!! very sad to have such selling practices in Mérida... It seems to be a real network of people approaching people on the main squares, guiding you to a shop that looks very authentic, with pleasant and authentic sales people telling stories that seem true... The goods are, however, all fake (definitely not sisal) and priced at a price 7-times higher than what you can get around the corner. The only good thing: when going back to the store to return the goods, we received 90% of the money back even without having had an invoice. However, you have to be persistent and insist on getting your money back (stay in the store, talk to them about Google reviews, how angry and sad you are...).
  • G
    Giovana Upson
    Same trap- the different guys stop and tell you about the "Mayan" people who are only there today... then you walk in and the prices are astronomical. They tell you some bs about everything else being unauthentic and run by "the Lebanese."
  • M
    Malte Hartmann
    Still happening as described below... Very sad practice in such a great city.
  • I
    Ihasha Horn
  • A
    Aarón May
  • G
    Grace Carbec