Honeymoon Mexico - Verana

Hotel boutique

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+52 322 227 5420
Calle Zaragoza, Centro, 48304 Puerto Vallarta, Jal., México
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I am Verana, the handmade hotel. How did I come to be on this hillside surrounded by jungle? It began with machetes. Land was cleared. I was meant to be just one house. But other structures followed. My growth was unplanned – a direction rather than an endpoint. I came from images and ideas. Like a dream recalled – the pieces became a whole. Light, time, space, color , weather, and the jungle all merged to help create me.

Finding me is part of the adventure. Take a taxi from Puerta Vallarta to Boca de Tomatlan. Catch a boat to Yelapa. The boat curves down through the Bay of Banderas. Suddenly the driver cuts the engine to drift in towards the coast. The mules are standing on the rocks. Your luggage is strapped to their backs, and you hike up the hill into the jungle.