Hacienda Los Algodones


Rellenado 50%


+1 928-328-1814
Calle Encino s/n, Nuevo algodones, 21970 Los Algodones, B.C., México
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Payment Methods: We accept Credit/Debit cards (Visa or MasterCard) with a 4% additional fee. To avoid any additional fee, you may also pay with personal/travelers checks, and cash. All currencies are in US dollars.

By registering at the reception, the pet owner must be in accordance with the policies of the pet in the hotel, who will be responsible for any loss or damage caused by your pet, and absolve the hotel staff of any liability if the pet is injured or some other host.

Hotel Hacienda Los Algodones reserves the right to refuse entry to any pet for any reason, at any time if no proof of vaccination, show signs of potentially contagious conditions, demonstrates aggressive behavior or failing hotel policies.