Dr. Alejandro Lira Dale


Rellenado 70%


+52 664 635 1809
Av. Paseo de los Héroes 10999 Consultorio 205, Zona Urbana Río, 22010 Tijuana, BC, México
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Comments 6

  • M
    modesto delgado
    Excelente doctor nomas dure 2 dias en reposo, el proceso duro media Hora .
  • C
    Carlos Fernandez
    Excelente urologo, el único que logró un buen diagnóstico en mi caso. Gracias Dr.Lira.
  • J
    Juana mendoza
    Excelente doctor muy bueno atento cumplido puntual y
  • M
    Mark Stein
    I rarely ever take the time to post a review. Recently I opted for a vasectomy and to freeze my sperm just in case for the future and I selected Dr. Lira as my doctor. This doctor is just as good as any doctor that I have visited throughout my life at famed Scripps Clinic in La Jolla. He is extremely knowledgeable and up to date on all the most recent technology and research. He actually cares and will patiently answer all of your questions no matter how long it takes and more importantly offer all options and the research behind each one. Highly recommended if you want a top notch doctor who will actually care about you.
  • U
    Ulises Islas
    I was very scare about my symtoms and after I went to see Dr. Alejandro Lira I am very happy because he was Clear and assertiuve. I am glad. Saludos
  • N
    Nayeli Higareda
    Great Doctor ! He helped me with my problem.