Dollar Shop

Tienda de artículos para el hogar

Rellenado 50%


Av. Blanco, Coyote, 27450 San Antonio del Coyote, Coah., México


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Airport Concession Fee Recovery / Hotel and Airport Concession Fee Recovery / Fixed Based Operator & Airport Concession Fee Recovery (ACFR) - This fee is to reimburse Dollar for concession fees paid to the airport (hotel or train station) for each rental.

CA Tourism Fee - Car rental companies are required by law to pay monthly assessments to the California Travel and Tourism Commission on revenue generated at either airport or hotel rental locations. This fee has been calculated to recover such assessment on an applicable rental basis.

Concession / Commission Fee Recovery (CFR) / Concession Recovery Surcharge Fee - This fee is to reimburse Dollar for concession/commission fees paid to the airport (hotel, train station, base or agent) for each rental.

Customer Facility Charge / Consolidated Facility Fee / Facility and Operation Fee / Consumer Finance Charge / Airport Fee / Rental Car Facility Fee / Facility Use Fee / Facility Maintenance Charge - The Airport requires that all car rental companies collect this fee. The money collected is used to pay for new car rental facilities.

Customer Transportation Fee / Transportation Fee / Transportation Facility Fee - The city requires that all car rental companies collect this fee. The money collected is used to pay for airport services. This fee is mandated by the airport.

Domestic Security Fee - The State of New Jersey enacted a Domestic Security Fee for a maximum of 28 days. This fee is effective on all motor vehicle rentals in the state of New Jersey. All car rental companies are required to collect and remit this fee to the State.

Energy Surcharge - Energy Surcharge – Separate and apart from the costs of fueling rental vehicles, energy costs represent a substantial portion of Dollar’s operating expenses. To offset the significant costs of utility charges, bus fuel, oil and grease and related costs, Dollar is separately imposing an Energy Surcharge. This Charge is not intended to reflect a precise measure of Dollar’s actual energy costs incurred to serve a particular customer

Operation and Maintenance Recovery Fee (O & M fee) - This fee is imposed by Dollar to recover amounts it pays toward the operation and maintenance of a consolidated car rental facility at the airport, above the costs paid through the transportation charge. This is not government mandated.

Motor Vehicle Lessor Tax - The City of Cleveland requires that all car rental company collect a USD 6.00 Motor Vehicle Lessor Tax to finance various city projects. This charge is not included in your approximate rental costs.

Rental Surcharge/State Rental Surcharge/State Rental Tax - Rental surcharges vary by location. Depending on applicable law, they may be either mandatory or permitted fees. More details can be provided at the rental counter at time of rent.

Property Tax, Title/License Reimbursement / Vehicle Licensing Cost Recovery / Vehicle Licensing Fee / Recovery Surcharge / Vehicle Licensing and Business Licensing Fee - This fee is for Dollar’s recovery of the proportionate amount of vehicle registration, licensing and related fees applicable to a rental.

Tourism Surcharge - The State of Connecticut requires all car rental companies to charge a Tourism Surcharge on all rentals of 30 days or less. This money is remitted to the State for use in activities related to tourism.

Early Return Fee: Applies if you did not prepay your rental charges and returned the vehicle more than 24 hours early before the return time indicated in your rental agreement. You will only pay for the days used, but there will be a $25 charge to compensate us in part for our inability to rent your vehicle during the remaining time reserved for your use.

Late Return Fee: In addition to charging Additional Rental Days for a late return, we will charge a fee to compensate us in part for the costs we incur in finding an alternative vehicle to satisfy our next booking for your vehicle. This fee of $16 per day (maximum of 5 days) applies if you return your vehicle more than 12 hours after the scheduled return time.

Air Conditioner Surcharge (AC Fee) - Vehicle manufacturers pay a federal excise tax on air conditioners installed in vehicles and pass this cost on to Dollar. The Air Conditioner Surcharge is Dollar’s recovery of this cost.

Premium Location Charge (PLC) / Flight Arrival Within 24 Hours – This is a Premium Location Charge relating to certain British Columbia and Alberta locations that are located within a specific geographic range of the City of Vancouver and Richmond International Airport.

Tire Management Fee or Snow Tire Fee (TMF) - This fee applies in Quebec only. The Province Quebec mandates that vehicles be equipped with snow tires between December and March. The cost of snow tire purchase, switchover, storage and disposal is passed on to the customer pursuant to this fee.